1. The year is gone, beyond recall,
With all its hopes and fears,
With all its bright and gladdening smiles,
With all its mourners' tears;
2. Thy thankful people praise Thee, Lord,
For countless gifts received;
And pray for grace to keep the Faith
Which Saints of old believed.
3. To Thee we come, O gracious Lord,
The new-born year to bless;
Defend our land from pestilence;
Give peace and plenteousness;
4. Forgive this nation's many sins;
The growth of vice restrain;
And help us all with sin to strive,
And crowns of life to gain.
5. From evil deeds that stain the past
We now desire to flee;
And pray that future years may all
Be spent, good Lord, for Thee.
6. O Father, let Thy watchful Eye
Still look on us in love,
That we may praise Thee, year by year,
With Angel-hosts above.
7. All glory to the Father be,
All glory to the Son,
All glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee,
While endless ages run.