1. There dwelt in old Judea,
A maiden fair to see,
The mother mild and undefiled,
Of a blessed babe was she.
Oh! Noel sing Noel
And merry be alway,
For Christ was born in the early morn
Christ was born in early morn,
All on a Christmas day,
All on a Christmas day.
2. And as the infant Jesus,
Lay on His lowly bed,
A circle bright of heavenly light,
Shone round about His head. [Chorus]
3. The shepherds bowed before Him,
While angels swift did fly,
On blest employ, with songs of joy
To fill the starry sky. [Chorus]
4. For this was Prince Emmanuel,
Who laid aside His crown,
And all to win our souls from sin,
Unto the earth came down. [Chorus]
5. Now Christ, my dear Redeemer,
I give my heart to Thee;
For, by my word, this loving Lord
Shall be the Lord of me. [Chorus]