1. There is a plant, of noble form and hue,
From Paradise it came, this royal flower,
Born of the breath of God and morning dew,
Nurtur'd, and water'd of the heav'nly shower:
'Mid thorns and thistles lily-like it grew,
And oped at Christmas in my Lady's bower.
2. A white and ruddy Rose, with rich perfume,
As balsam sweet, unto the mouth as honey:
'Tis ay in blossom, in December's gloom,
As in July, on cloudy days or sunny:
Way-faring men may cull this priceless Bloom,
An so they will, for love, and free of money.
3. Jesu, thou art this Rose, of Jesse's stem,
The Virgin-born, whose praise my song engages:
O for the heav'nly new Hierusalem!
Land, free from summer's heat and winter's rages,
Where I might eye thee, Babe of Bethlehem,
And chaunt thy grace through never-ending ages.