1. The Magi came out of the Orient Land,
Now rock a-bye, rock a-bye, pretty babie!
They rode over rock and they rode over sand,
Right glad, then, were those three.
2. And as they went riding, a Star went before,
Now rock a-bye, rock a-bye, pretty babie!
The form of a glorious Infant it bore,
Right glad, then, were those three.
3. And when to Jerusalem city they came,
Now rock a-bye, rock a-bye, pretty babie!
They saw not the star with its glorious flame,
Right sad, then, were those three.
4. And as they were sitting at dinner one day,
Now rock a-bye, rock a-bye, pretty babie!
An angel of heaven appeared and did say,
Right glad, then, were those three.
5. "Go, Magi, once more from the town to the wild,"
Now rock a-bye, rock a-bye, pretty babie!
"For Herod is seeking the life of the child,"
Right sad, then, were those three.
6. But when from the city they hastened in fear,
Now rock a-bye, rock a-bye, pretty babie!
The Star went before, shining brightly and clear,
Right glad, then, were those three.
7. They came to the stable at Bethlehem town,
Now rock a-bye, rock a-bye, pretty babie!
They pour'd our their treasures, and lowly kneel'd
Right glad, then, were those three.
8. For there in the stable, enthroned on the knee,
Now rock a-bye, rock a-bye, pretty babie!
Of Mary the Virgin, Messiah they see,
Right glad, then, were those three.