1. Through the midnight air is ringing
Angel [Chorus] o'er the earth,
Tidings blest to mortals bringing
Of the Holy Christ Child's birth;
Glorious through the wide world resting
In the folded arms of peace,
Goes the song, death's wave o'er creating
Song of triumph ne'er to cease.
2. Lo! The star, the Christ revealing,
Bright above in Heaven doth shine,
Eastern princes, lowly kneeling,
Bow before the Babe Divine.
Israel's Sceptre is victorious
Jesse's Rod as ensign stands,
Calling to a kingdom glorious,
People from far distant lands.
3. Swells the song, "A Son is given;'
Unto us a child is born;"
Earth take up the strain of heaven,
On the blessed Christmas morn.
Hail! All men lift up your voices,
Hail the new born King of kings;
And whilst earth in praise rejoices,
Heaven with Hallelujahs rings.