1. Tis our right and bounden duty,
Gentles all, to sing for mirth
O'er a Babe, the King of beauty,
And recount his triple birth.
2. First we hail the birth eternal
Of the Word of God, the Son;
Gotten of the Sire supernal,
Ere the world or time begun.
3. Secondly, good sirs, remember
Mary's childing in a stall;
Jesu's birth-day in December,
To repair our shameful fall.
4.. Thirdly, ye, with high endeavour,
Whoso choose the better part,
Yesterday, to-day, for ever,
Christ is born within your heart.
5. Once the Lord, of his compassion,
Veil'd his majesty of awe;
And was found in human fashion,
As a Babe, in hay and straw.
6. O the love, surpassing wonder!
Still the Eternal and Divine,
Hides his Body daily under
Homely forms of bread and wine.
7. Christ-Child, low we bow before thee,
Lord and God Omnipotent;
Truly present, we adore Thee
In the Holy Sacrament.
8. Thee we praise, O Christ, together
With the Sire and Spirit blest,
By the upper world, and nether,
Triune Deity confest.