To euery man that is vnkynde
What shulde I man do for the more
Than my lyfe to be vntwynde
Thou arte the fayrest creature to fynde
For I the made lyke vnto me
And gaue the reason, wyt and mynde
Quit vltra. etc.
I loue the man aboue all thinge
I wyll be borne for the therfore
Bycause I wolde to blys the brynge
What shulde I man do for the more
By Adams syn thou was forlore
Euermore punysshed for to be
But for thy mys I bought the fore
Quit vltra. etc.
My handes (damage) crosse be spread
To yelde the merry yf thou wylt craue
Mercy to aske be nat adred
For yf thou wylt I wyll the saue
Whan thou art dead and layd in graue
And all thy frendes from the flee
Yet thy ssoule wyll I haue
Quit vltra. etc.