1. To the Lord forever glorious,
Saints on earth with Saints victorious
Swell the shout of holy Joy:
Lest the soul sink down in slumbers
Let the lips, in tuneful numbers,
Hail the Bliss without alloy.
2. See the Branch a new Bud bearing;
See the Star new Day declaring;
Monarchs to the manger run;
Wand'rers they, yet never turning
Whence the Star, before them burning,
Guides them to the New-Born Sun.
3. Three the Kings, threefold their Offering;
He, Who takes what they are proffering,
God in Man is One to see;
By the mystic adoration
Is revealed to all creation
Thus the Triune Deity.
4. Gold, Myrrh, Incense are their Treasure;
But beyond what eye can measure
Is the Truth therein that lies:
Incense is for God from heaven;
To the King the Gold is given;
And the Myrrh to Him Who dies.
5. Sweet the Incense upward streaming;
Bright the Golden Circlet gleaming
On a King's majestic Brow;
Shews the Myrrh, by time unblighted,
That the Word to Flesh united
Never shall corruption know.
6. From this vale, wherein we wander,
Lead us, Lord, O lead us yonder
Where the Kings are gone before:
Where, by Thine abounding merit,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
We may praise for evermore. Amen.