1. 'Twas in a cave on Christmas morn,
Nowell, Nowell,
Jesus, the Son of God was born,
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell.
2. See in a crib the heav'nly Child
Lullay, Lull'y,
Cradled by Mary, Maiden mild,
La-Lullaby, Lullay.
3. Thitherward kings and herdmen drew
To Ephrat',
For to adore the Babe Jesú,
At Bethlem Ephrata
4. Then was fulfill'd the thing foretold,
Eya, Ey'
In holy writ by bards of old,
Eya, Eya, Eya.
5. Armies Angelick sang for mirth
Cum Maria,
Marvellous glad o'er Jesu's birth
Ex Matre Maria.
6. Gloria tibi, Domini,
Qui natus es pro homine,