1. We come, we come with loud acclaim,
To sing the praise of Jesus' name,
And make the vaulted temple ring,
With loud Hosannas to our King!
With joyful heart and smiling face
We gather round the throne of grace.
And lowly bend to offer there
From youthful lips our humble prayer,
To Him who slept on Mary's knee
A gentle child as young as we.
2. We come, we come, the song to swell,
To Him who loved our world so well,
That, stooping from his Father's throne,
He died to claim us as our own.
With joy we haste the aisles to fill,
Yet youthful bands are gathering still.
O, thus may we in heaven above
Join in a happy song of love,1
And still, with angels, fill our home
With joyful cries, they come, they come.