1. We hail Thee with rejoicing,
O Christ child, fair and sweet;
And gladsome anthems voicing
Thy birthday now we greet.
On hay and straw they laid Thee
In wretched poverty,
Our Christmas gift God made Thee
To make us pure and free.
2. O Saviour, great and holy,
How wondrous is Thy love;
To sinners, poor and lowly,
Thou comest from above.
For this we now adore Thee
With hearts sincere and true,
And gladly sing before Thee
Our melodies anew.
3. Thou precious Gift from heaven,
Be Thou our one and all;
The dearest treasure given,
Though cradled in a stall;
And grant that ev'ry nation,
Yea, ev'ry child on earth
Rejoice in Thy salvation
And in Thy holy birth.