We sing of the holy happiness
That beautiful Maria brings us.
The Word of God is incarnate
Leaving Maria a virgin.
Important news, important news,
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
When you were with child, oh Queen.
The starry heaven was amazed.
When devout Joseph heard it
He searched for a place for you to give birth.
Things prayed for, things prayed for
Joseph and Maria searching for faith.
When the couple set out on the way
An angel descended from heaven,
To accompany them step by step,
And to defend her from Satan.
Word of God, Word of God,
When Maria set out on the way.
But a great danger she has to overcome,
The beautiful virgin of heaven and sea,
And if a serpent will stop her feet
The virgin will crush his head.
The way shined, the way shines,
Maria is crowned with twelve stars.
Maria suffers and her hand trembles
When the arrive at Bethlehem.
Everyone shuts the door in the face
Of this couple who is out in the cold.
Out in the street, out in the street,
In the high place of heaven is Maria, all pure,
And the crescent moon is under her foot.
Beautiful virgin who came and went
To find the cross of Christ.
For redemption, for redemption
Of the human race.
Is born the mystery of the Word of God.