1. When Cryst was born of Mary fre
In bedlem, ï tht fayre cyte,
Angellis songen wt mirth and gle,
in excelsis g¬ia.
2. herdme beheld ths angellis bryzt
To hem apperyd wt gret lyzt,
And seyd goddis sone is born ths nyzt,
in excelsis g¬ia.
3. ths kyng ys comyn to save kynde
ths kyng in scriptur as we fynde,
ths kyng fore ths song haue we ï mynde,
in excelsis g¬ia.
4. ths kyng lord for thy gret grace,
ths kyng is in blys to see thy face,
Where we may syng to the solas,
in excelsis g¬ia.