1. With sanctified festivity
We bless the Babe Jesu;
For so on his Nativity
Behoveth as to do,
Who bring to him
Who sing to him
A Carol, old or new.
2. Though high o'er Principality,
He on the ground doth lie:
To robe with immortality
The like of us on high
With gloriole,
And aureole,
The Babe is born to die.
3. In order, man, to mollify
Thy hard and frosty will,
He shivers: thee to qualify
For weal, he fareth ill;
That durable,
Delights thy soul may fill.
4. The Lord thy God in lowliness
Mid ox and ass doth sleep,
That thou mayst win through holiness
That place where Angels keep:
That laughter, bliss
May, after this,
Be thine, behold him weep.