1.Within a manger bare He lay,
Who made both heav'n and earth,
While angels to the shepherds told
Of Jesus' wondrous birth.
And now Epiphany is here,
Upon that stable floor
Three Eastern kings are kneeling low
To worship and adore.
Dear Saviour, show Thyself to me.
On this Thy glad Epiphany.
2. The star which o'er their distant home
Shone forth the news to bring,
O'er Bethl'hem's stable shines to mark
The birthplace of the King.
To Thee, dear Babe,, whom, helpless, I
In Mary's arms behold,
With these three kings, I would present
Myrrh, Frankincense and Gold.
Dear Saviour, show Thyself to me.
On this Thy glad Epiphany.
3. But I, like Thee, am poor and weak,
No treasures, Lord, are mine,
Myself alone have I to give
To be forever Thine.
O make me know Thee more and more,
Shine in my heart by grace,
Till on Thy on Thy glorious Throne in heav'n
I see Thee, Face to face.
Dear Saviour, show Thyself to me.
On this Thy glad Epiphany.