1. Ye clouds be-rain our thirsty plain;
Drop down with dew supernal!
For from on high there draweth nigh
The King of bliss eternal.
2. The Lord of ay is born to-day
Of Mary maiden holy,
And lull'd to rest upon her breast
Within a shippon lowly.
3. Ye seers, and quires of reverend fires,
Come skip on this glad morrow!
For Christ, the Truth in very sooth,
In this our glen of sorrow,
4. By his sweet birth, of priceless worth,
[And he is King of ages]
Now verifies the prophecies
Of your far-sighted pages.
5. Fast barr'd of yore, now evermore,
Fair Eden, ope thy portals,
Beholding Christ, the Lord most high'st,
Array'd in flesh of mortals,
6. And by a Maiden Mother laid
[So mighty was his pity
For sinners all] within a stall
In little Bethlem city.