Fake porn account
Botty Bae im so down
That booty be metal
With ki clak clak clak sound
U said milky tities
But i think its oil
But imma spend fifty
To hit that recoil
Pretty ditty city
N my pants so shitty
Wasn't ready like confetti
Rub my ass on ur chevy
Woah ew thats dirty
My shit dance
Roy purdy
Then buy cram
Ddos spam
So ur furry porn expands
Fake porn accounts
They put me in a chat
I said i wanted scat
But their ig said no blacks
Timeline went back
N now its 1950
But theirs still oil
In them botty tities
I be home alone
N I be eatin phone
Cuz i be callin
When squirt n moan
On my own
I do not recall
My past memories
Cuz i chugged some bleach
N i cant remember me
Wait woah
Switch the flow
Me n it
On the low
It said
I need more
Left on read
Gotta go
My commitment
Got problems
N i aint gonna solve them
So lemme eat my condom
At the start of this autumn