I lie on the ground
I can't f*cking see
I can't taste the coffee
This isn't the end for me
I'm not ready to die, I'm not ready to leave
It's not my time
What is happening to me
My stomach is empty
My head is spinning
These lights are blinding
Please don't leave me
Please step away
Please don't touch me
Please just help me
I can't get up, my concious fleeting
Where are my friends, having trouble understanding
What did you say, everything is blurry
Get me out of this house, I just want to leave
Whose hand am I holding
To whose voice am I listening
Everything I hear seems foreign
Muffled and misconceived
When is your birthday
What is your last name
Tell me, what is mine
Trouble understanding
(I can't watch this anymore)
This is all so confusing
Stupid f*cking pig
Asking again if I've had anything
This wasn't my choice