What is it they want after years of worshiping flaws?
Romanticized scumbags, now they expect them to be demigods
Heroes are human and humans can be trash
That includes you listening, you're not immune
You're not immune
Held my wife's hand in a graveyard in salem counting skulls carved into headstones unaware that a that a love that seemed so unbreakable then would just become some scar from a time last year
And i'm sorry that i pushed you away
I'm sorry that i could never change
Never seen a picture of my dad until i met him in a Texas cancer ward laying there scared and alone with my new older brother and some sympathy that i mustered
Wheeled him out the front door to die with his new family at home
Heroes are human and humans can be trash
That includes us singing, we're not immune
We're not immune
Our hearts are such dicks that have f*cked so much in their path
There is no way to erase it, we can't expect people to forgive our past
It's brutal and beautiful, to some it's art, to some it's shit
It's brutal and beautiful, we're not immune
We're not immune
We're not immune
We're not amused