What a gorgeous opportunity, ladies and gentlemen!
Grab your torches and impunity!
In the back with the glint in your eye
Where's your fire! People have died!
We've an agenda to push, come along for the ride
As we rise above red tape that justifies blatant homicide!
There's no time to waste!
I've been notified that a bombing has taken place!
Was it sexuality? Religion? Money? Terror?
By God, I bet it was terrible!
In the back! With the phone in your hand!
Tweet it out and post about the downfall of decency
And how we'll always remember to never forget!
Get this!
A child was driven to suicide! The mother is crying on live TV!
We need to fully stop the bullying problem before another kid shoots himself
Or God forbid his classmates!
In the back! With the paper and pen!
The NRA and the chief of police are releasing statements!
Grab your torches and impunity!
Ladies and gentlemen, what a gorgeous opportunity!