Part man part waffle and no pancake
Don't know how he got his name
But his legend will always live on
No need to tell the story
I'm sure you've all heard it
The legend of pancake waffles
Lives in all of our hearts
Nothing rhymes with waffles
"Apart" and "start" rhyme with heart
Every time you order breakfast
A little part of him dies
Unless you order a side of pancakes
In Taiwan is where he's made
Let's all toast Pancake Waffles
With a cupful of syrup
What's this, you haven't heard his tale?
It's amazing and epic and swell
Around campfires and monkey bars
It's a fine one to tell
Here it goes I'll start with the first line
Oh wait what's this, I'm all out of time
Sorry guys I'm really sorry
But you'll read about him in tomorrow's paper
Tomorrow will never come