Cornered cats can't control canine cravings
Crusty clams claw crazy clowns' craniums
Cathy killed Carl 'cause Carl killed Cathy
Corn's comfortable characteristics confuse Krell
Writing reading biting feeding
Elastic spastic really fantastic
Magic tragic static
Dog days dwindle deliciously down
Dormant daggers don't drag dwarven dilapidations
Writing reading biting feeding
Elastic spastic really fantastic
Magic tragic so anti-static
Plastic drastic automatic
Dying breathing sighing dreaming
Tying wheeling
Flipping fish forget fractions
Grouchy growling gorillas gladly grab gullible grandma's goods
Eating speeding tunnel-weaving
Trying spying crying and lying
Devils and levels and bevels and Schwebels
Storage porridge orange and glorange
Flowing rowing towing or storing
Honeybaked hams have harmful habits
Standing landing so demanding
Climbing rhyming while off timing
Beans and spleens and ripe tangerines
Open the door I've got to have more
Open the door I'm so damn poor
Leg licking lambs like legs like lamp-licking logs like lamps
And logs
Words and turds and pickled birds
No more rhyming we've stopped trying
Porn and corn on a Sunday morn
Do's and don't's and Betty Wont's
These sunglasses are made of candy
Standing landing so demanding
Climbing rhyming while off-timing
Beans and spleens and ripe tangerines
Open the door I've got to have more
Open the door open the door
Open the door open the door