Johnny wasn't listening, no he had on his phones
Struttin' down the alleyway, heading for his home
Had Chex mix in his pocket and a soda in his hand
Had a fistful of Slim Jims and some overactive glands
Man that raccoon smelled him, I know it might sound corny
That raccoon came a runnin', and man it looked real horny
Johnny kept on walkin', and when he tried to pass
That raccoon jumped on up and bit him on his leg
The next day Johnny looked and saw the coast was clear
Today he had no jerky and nothing left to fear
He closed the door behind him and strolled down to the street
But his stomach tightened up when he saw that garbage at his feet
He looked left, and he looked right and he saw that toppled trash bin
Laying on it's side and the lid was hanging open
Cautiously he approached it and much to his dismay
A little head rose up and growled and ruined his day