Sunday morning
I wake up from a dream
About you
Turning over
I'm all alone in the bed
In better times with lesser crimes
It might have been all right
I don't know what to do
I'm so far out of my head
There's nothing worth dying for
But I'm dying for this
It's something worth dying for
And I'm dying for it
Monday morning
I'm up before the sun
Frigid air it
Chills me to the bone
Your perfect face a short embrace
Holding you so tight
I will never let go
I will never let you fall
There's nothing worth fighting for
I'm fighting for this
There's something worth fighting for
I'm fighting for this
There's nothing worth trying for
I'm trying for this
There's something worth trying for
I'm trying for this
There's nothing worth dying for
I'm dying for this
There's something worth dying for
I'm dying for it