Ballistic attack, hailing down warfare, relentless...
Streets are strewn with bodies of the fallen
Coward, terrorist threat, crawl out of your hole
It's time to man up and face the man
Erased from the map - a crater of sand
Turn that desert into glass
Strapping your child with explosive devices
Charging them into the fray
Coward, terrorist threat, crawl out of your hole
It's time to man up and face the man
Foxhole, ambush, tripwire
Land mine, car bomb...
Your fate: a grenade in your mouth
Brothers witness brothers lose life and limb
While people back home spew criticism
Civilians revolt
The anti-aircraft, it thunders
Surrounded with spent shells
Ears deafened by blasts
From mortar bursts
Prepare for complete decimation
They attack our troops with IEDs
The slate will now be wiped clean
They're all cut-throats
Nerve gas blowing in the wind
Now we have the whole free world
Waiting for the day we see
That pitiful existence rejected and obsolete