Cherry pie blonde, ballet of strife
Arabesqued into my life
Taught to never to speak out loud
Plies on top of the clouds
Baby J taught me how to pray
That someone would please, please stay
Her love comes with a warm gush
J'Essence, her aura flush
Finding the right one, no straight line
No given reason, nor rhyme
Truth told, it'll all be fine
Love doesn't need any time
Woman-girl with the sudden laugh
Touching up our silent hands
Karmic dancer, flipping cart wheels
Oh Jessah the way you look in heels
Shooting star streaking overhead
Crescent cusp of spirit wed
Peace found in heart's own love
The serenity of doves
Finding the right one, no straight line
No given reason, nor rhyme
Truth told sweetheart it'll all be fine
Love doesn't need any time