I've seen men die
A thousand times before
This man, He was different
He seemed to understand His call
I've heard them cry
A broken fearful man
But this guy, He was different
It was like He was in command
And then suddenly the hour came
He chose to yield His life
There were thunderclaps and earthquakes and the day turned into night!
Truly this man is the Son of God
He laid his life down for His friends
This is the love that knows no end
Truly this man, is a man of love and in this love
No evil can abide, yielded His life and then He died
I said truly this man is the Son of God
One victim filled with hate
Seemed to curse Him from the start
He said get us off this cross if are who you claim you are
Another man rebuked him
He didn't blame the Christ
And as Jesus said, "Today
You will be with me in Paradise!"
And then suddenly when the hour came
He looked at me with love
And he cried aloud, "Forgive them, Father, they don't know what they've done!"