A child unseen, a story left untold
In heaven's halls, a heartbreak unfolds
No name was given, no voice could cry
Yet in Your presence, life will never die
Abba Father, You know every soul
You hold each child, and make them whole
In tender mercy, You call them by name
Teach us to honor; we won't be the same
We mourn the silence we once believed
Forgive the shame we secretly conceived
El Roi-You see each tear we shed
Heal every wound, revive what's dead
Abba Father, You know every soul
You hold each child, and make them whole
In tender mercy, You call them by name
Teach us to honor; we won't be the same
We lift up mothers, and fathers in pain
Ruach HaKodesh, break every chain
These children wait in heaven's embrace
Yeshua HaMashiach, show us Your grace
Abba Father, You've broken our shame
We speak each child's precious name
In tender mercy, You call them Your own
Safe in Your arms, they're fully known