In the stillness and the storm
Your Word our form
Sharper than any two-edged sword
In Your Spirit our accord
Sword of the Spirit in Your Word we trust
In every battle it's You we discuss
We declare Your Word alive and keen
In its truth we are seen
Through the trials through the test
Your Word our quest
Lighting paths breaking chains
In its power love remains
Sword of the Spirit in Your Word we trust
In every battle it's You we discuss
We declare Your Word alive and keen
In its truth we are seen
Through the trials through the test
Your Word our quest
Lighting paths breaking chains
In its power love remains
Sword of the Spirit in Your Word we trust
In every battle it's You we discuss
We declare Your Word alive and keen
In its truth we are seen
In whispers of confusion in the noise of the day
Your Word our solution our way
Sharper stronger breaking every snare
In Your Word our care
Sword of the Spirit in Your Word we trust
In every battle it's You we discuss
We declare Your Word alive and keen
In its truth we are seen
With the Sword of the Spirit we stand firm and true
In Your Word ever renew
Declaring Your promises in them we delight
Your Word our eternal light