I woke up in pnic
My brow ws swety. Nd my plm
My wife sked me wht the problem ws, nd I replied bck stright wy
'I'm stifled by the lck of numbers'
There needs to be more numbers. Numbers
I invented brnd new number, then invented one or two more
Why should we only hve three numbers before the number four?
I hve been busy boy, let me show you wht I hve done
I've invented some new numbers, come on nd tke look
24. 25. 26. 27. 28 nd 29. Boring
Hngen 3 nd hngen 4. Hngen 5 nd hngen 6. Hngen 7 nd hngen 8
81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86
Dntey 2, dntey 3, dntey 4, dntey 5, dntey 6
I hve spoke to mny schools bout it going on the syllbus
The techers just shook their heds, they seemed to get very cross
I spoke to Crol Vordermn, the queen of the numbers
She told me, in no uncertin terms, to get out of her grden
62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67. More numbers
Hoppty 2, hoppty 3, hoppty 4, hoppty 5, hoppty 6, hoppty 7
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36. Bullshit
Hmzen 8, hmzen 9, hmzen 6, hmzen 5, hmzen 2, hmzen hm
Mke your own numbers
Mke your own numbers
Mke your own numbers
Mke your own numbers
Mke your own numbers
Mke your own numbers
Mke your own numbers
Mke your own numbers