I've got mte
He works for the council
He works for the trnsporttion division
He mkes the signs tht go on the motorwy
Mking signs, yeh. That's his mission
'How do you spend your dy?' I sy
He spends his dy working nine to five
It tkes three hours to print off n 'F'
The second F in the town Fyfe
How big re motorway signs?
How big re motorway signs?
How big re motorway signs?
They're f*cking mssive
I sid to him 'Hve you got ny stories?'
Ny stuff when it's ll gone wrong
He sid 'No' nd he looked rel serious
It's serious business when you're working with mssive signs'
He once won competition t work
They sid 'Tke ny prize tht you wnt'
He chose something little weird
He wrote 'Shrewsbury' in a slightly different font
How big re motorway signs?
How big re motorway signs?
How big re motorway signs?
They're f*cking mssive
I once sw giant motorwy sign
When I ws driving on the motorwy
I just thought you're so f*cking big
Bigger thn lot of things I've seen
Wht do you do in your spre time, sign?
Do you think like a humn would?
Do you think you're ctually bigger thn the thing you're dvertising?
Like forest, or something. I don't know
How big re motorway signs?
How big re motorway signs?
How big re motorway signs?
They're f*cking mssive