Storebought roses by the window
You're looking kinda thin though
I wonder if you've been eating
In a past life, you said I was a midwife
Who struggled through a hard life
Beheaded at the guillotine
Now what's the use, I get confused
By this life and what its use is
And all the hummingbirds have flown away
Storebought roses from another
A gift from an ex-lover
Designed to keep you in one piece
Still you fell apart, parked outside the K-Mart
Lit up like some bad art
That night you were so shaken
Torn apart and cast asunder
Still somehow we found eachother
Two leaves floating atop a stream
So why stay at home when
That's no place to be
Let's go out dancing
And lose our balance
And step on people's feet
With roses in our teeth