Ogghiu stau cu tie just iou e tie
I ain't gonna lie nu dicu bucie
Te ogghiu tonight e tutte le sire
Resta a quai pe sempre e nu te ne scire
Ogghiu stau with you ogghiu stau with you
Baby i can't wait just to f*ck with you
Dimme se ci stai tell me now the truth
Quandu stau cu tie olu sulla moon
Dimme se si pronta iou stau già a quai
E te
Sta spettu de n'ura i can't waste my time
Beddra ieni a quai fallu one more time
E se
Giramu a Lecce me pare Dubai
I wish i could buy you everything to make you icy
E se accelleru me dici scemu ce sta faci
Before i leave you alone me dai sempre muti baci
I would die with you cause shawty sinti troppu spicy
You can f*ck me once ma nu me futti twice
Te piace lu gin tonic se c'è mutu ice
Fenty lip gloss me manda offline
Iou e tie simu iconic e tie già la sai
M'ha dittu i love you beddra are you sure?
I know you might lie i know i would too
Ma se stamu insieme iou me sentu good
E alli problemi nu pinsamu chiui
Ogghiu stau cu tie just iou e tie
I ain't gonna lie nu dicu bucie
Te ogghiu tonight e tutte le sire
Resta a quai pe sempre e nu te ne scire
Ogghiu stau with you ogghiu stau with you
Baby i can't wait just to f*ck with you
Dimme se ci stai tell me now the truth
Quandu stau cu tie olu sulla moon
Quandu stau cu tie me ispiri poesie
Cangiu tante rime cangiu melodie
Nu te cangiu a tie
She never left me right here at the moment that i need her
If i ever need sum help she would be ready for the rehab
I've been searching for way too long
I've been waiting for you to come
I know sometimes that i be wrong
Nu me lassa mai alone
I gotta check it out as soon as you ready
Tie tienite pronta ca sta sciamu up
Se nu be today nu be mancu tomorrow
Ma tantu prima o poi diventamu star
Get you a birkin ogghiu cu splendi
Però prima you gotta give me your heart
Let's go outside pigghiate la borsa and hop in the car baby