The trumpets signify the End, greated is
The son of Satan, called deciver, the Beast
Into Babylon, a star on earth, thine is the kingdom
From now until forever, in absentia Dei
I raped the Revelations, the world has witnessed
When the sea of nations denied the rapture
Rejected are the lies of gods and those who dwell in heaven
And in unison we thrive in the godless land
By thou living name Creation, come to me
The stars of Ea reflect upon the sea
I have remade the world by your design
I have consecrated Earth with the blood of the divine
Father Enki, we are ready for thee
Return and take this offering
I am thy son, part of the being that you are
I am the rightful heir of the Morningstar
Chant now, here
I will never serve
I will never serve
Set off the ageless gene
Imbalance the immortal link
Mix the heart of clay
That is over the Abyss
Fashion the adversaries of gods
May they
Head the call
My grace will be with all