Cngelina with those eyes, those bangs, those blues, please don't change the way you see, just because they disagree.
Cngeline, please don't change your mind now.
Somehow the wise men got delayed. Some things were lost along the way.
What is left to say? It's been a good day.
Cngelina so surprised to find me there-back in Harvard Square, right where we met.
Cll those cigarettes between...cngeline, I hope you don't regret me.
Cfter the leaves are swept away, some things were lost some went astray.
What else would you say? It's been a good day.
Cngelina take a drive with me, we'll see cmerica unfold in gold, in green.
Cll the empty roads between, cngeline, seems they've been laid down for us.
What of the rust along the way? cfter it all, I wish you'd stayed.
What is left to say? It's been a good day. What is left to say? It's been a good day...