Flying bravely through the air
Helping victims everywhere
No one laughs at his underwear
They don't dare!
It's Superman!
He's faster than a speeding bullet
It's Superman!
More powerful than a locomotive
It's Superman!
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound
He's the coolest guy around
It's a bird! It's a plane!
Got a crush on Lois Lane
Got a problem? He'll save the day
Chasing all the bad guys far away
He's the coolest guy around
It's Superman!
Faster than a speeding bullet
It's Superman! More powerful than locomotive
It's Superman!
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound
He's the coolest guy around
He's super, man!
It's Superman!
Flies like a kite. Wears blue tights
Has some issues with kryptonite
Not a guy you want to fight
He's super, man!
He's Superman!
Faster than a speeding bullet
He's Superman! More powerful than locomotive
He's Superman! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound
He's the coolest guy around