Please don't steal this song, don't steal this song
Our writer's only income's unemployment compensation
Our manager's involved in expensive litigation
Our publisher's grandfather, he's got a heart condition
Our producer's kid's in college, he's got to pay tuition
Our record company exec he's got 3 alimonies
Our PR Rep's a gambler, and he's got to play his ponies
Our lighting crew director's kid got drunk he's got to make bail
Our lawyer's got a wife, 3 kids, a mortgage out in Scarsdale
And there's just a couple of scraps for us to help us get along
So please don't steal this song, don't steal this song
'Cause if you're burnin' we ain't earnin'
And we'll burn out before too long
So please don't steal this song
Our stage manager's brother's got a friend who has a cousin
Whose step-sister was abandoned by her cheatin' lyin' husband
Who ran off to Puerto Rico with her best friend's former roommate
And absconded with her money now she's livin' out of her suitcase
And she needs a small donation, her account is overdrawn
And she's such a close relation, we gotta help her get along
And we really need the money or our show just can't go on
So please don't steal this song don't steal this song
'Cause if you're burnin' we ain't earnin'
And we'll burn out before too long
So please don't steal this song, don't steal this song
I can hear 'em talkin' now, goes something like this
D'ya think this song is worth 99, 79 cents
I don't know I can get a burger for that
Yeah, but you can only eat it once
So what makes you think I wanna listen to this song again
Well, you never know, maybe it'll grow on you, it might be worth a buck
Yeah, and we can help those poor people out