Tuning the police radio tweaking it
Haven't heard anything of interest
Since last weekend
My only kindred spirit listens in Whistler
Mixin' garlic rounds in silver pistols
Finger itchin' on the trigger
When we hear it
We tune in like guided missiles
Bloodsuckers spotted
Oh yeah
He whistles
Guess that's why they call him that
In the warehouse district
They don't have long
All units respond
I repeat all units respond
Hop to it strap on my vest practically skippin'
Tactically flippin over vamps attacking victims
Actively risking it all
But basking in passionately casketing
Every pair of fangs who locked me out of the ball
And then I pause
When I see her all fear dissipates
Is it fate?
Something is asking me to think rationally
She's wheeling a man into the emergency room
A place of safety
Treating every human's wounds
When out of nowhere
A bloodsucker strikes quick
Biting the young doctor's neck
Now she's bedridden and I know what to do next
But I can't
Whistler we're saving her
Nobody mentioned Doctor Jensen
Would remind me of mother
Open the Corvette
Oh brother
The doctor's in session
She's on a mission
To cure this condition
But is it a curse
Or a blessing
I don't know call Doctor Jensen
Long hours at the lab bench
Wringing hands covered in sweat
Now Whistler Jensen and I are a threesome
Waiting anxiously on this serum
This potion this elixir this supposed magic fixer
Will it relieve me? Or just weaken me?
Looks like it's done only one way to find out
Life's no fun if you're not willing to try out
The unknown the path less traveled
Never a man has regretted hath he dabbled
Venture into darkness into the mist
Oh for gosh sakes Blade
Drink the damn thing!
The doctor's in session
She's on a mission
To cure this condition
But is it a curse
Or a blessing
I don't know call Doctor Jensen