Lying there, eyes closed (oh oh oh)
Nothing out of place
Moonbeam sparkles (oh oh oh)
Dance across your face
Lying there, composed
Sweet breath gently strong
In absolute rhythm
With midnight's quiet song
Lying there, embraced
Heartbeats intertwine
In this quiet stillness
Your love, forever mine
Lying there, eyes closed (oh oh oh)
Nothing out of place
Moonbeam sparkles (oh oh oh)
Dance across your face
Lying there, exposed
Vulnerable yet sure
Trusting completely
That with me, you are secure
Lying there, at peace
Dreams weave through the night
Stars in silent dance
Reflect your inner light
Lying there, eyes closed (oh oh oh)
Nothing out of place
Moonbeam sparkles (oh oh oh)
Dance across your face
Lying there, reposed
Safe within my arms
Beautiful conqueror
I'm captive to your charms
Lying there, divine
Nature's work of art
In the hush of darkness
You captivate my heart
Lying there, eyes closed (oh oh oh)
Nothing out of place
Moonbeam sparkles (oh oh oh)
Dance across your face
Lying there, eyes closed (oh oh oh)
Oooo oooo oooo
Moonbeam sparkles (oh oh oh)