Fury and Rage fill out the roads, led by Destruction...
Born to ride at a hell of speed, The crew is here...
Bikers united in a brotherhood, sworn by blood....
Soldiers in leather, spikes and chains will own this place....
Solo 1
It's too bad you mess with us skull riders
Now revenge on you, it's time to die
We'll arise bringing fear on you the highway
Now go home, spread the word you were beaten by THE SKULLRIDERS
Instrumental bridge
Living like outlaws, rebels to death, proud and alive
Wasted forever on beers and booze, that's our fuel
We are out for everything we can get and we will take it
Loading our guns and wielding our blades, the riders are here..
Instrumental bridge
It's too bad you mess with us skull riders
Now revenge on you, it's time to die
We'll arise bringing fear on you the highway
Now go home, spread the word you were beaten by THE SKULLRIDERS.