Here's a little story
This is a true story
And I nearly died laughing
Putting this into a song
So, here's some advice for you
Don't share an email with your family
And use Uber
Home alone ordering burgers on repeat
So f*cking hungry needing something to eat
Don't want to cook
For just me alone
I scroll through uber cause I got my phone
Quad Smash burger oh man, yes please!
Ordered that shit three times on repeat
Family come home late like we're hungry what's up
Man, it's nearly midnight
I said make something I'm done
One day they bailed me up in the kitchen
They question me hard
I say I'm just, just not hungry and part
But one fine Wednesday everyone's home and I say
Let's get burgers I'll Uber them aye?
Their ears prick up it's the moment they await
We know your little secret!
I stand and hesitate
What do you mean? what did you say?
They've just shattered my world and say
Your secret is done you've been busted so hard
We get all your uber receipts!
Been counting burgers on repeat!
I smirk laugh and quickly retreat
F*ck it's over!
My secrets now done
I loved those burgers, it's sad now they won
I now have to order four at a time
My wallets burning as the silver digits on my debit card shine
Now I'll order them just one more time
And I did, I did and they were fine
They were great, but it just wasn't the same
My guilty addiction my burger shame.