You're my legendary lady
Odel yodel odel a lady who
You're my wedge-in-hairy wait-tee
Don't make me wait-tee
I wub you my bebe
Wet me take eww on dat date
I'll order Yoyoyoyo no noodles four two who
I'll just wub you so
Yodel yoyoyo yodel i wont be late tee who
You're legendary
You got those slappy loodle legs
Oh oh oh yoyoyo
You're legendary
Laddle loddle toddle who
I'll take ye to da shop
And tree'eat you white
Buy you dat thing you wanted
And hold you fu da night
It sa odel yodel sight
Legendary lady
Me treat you right
Legendary lay day
Oh oh oh
Let's share'ra odel hoe'del muffin from'ma da dolla menu
Legendary lady
I right hook da bad men
Right on the nose'ol dose'ol who
And left hook you in meh arms
You're my wedge-in-hairy wait-tee
And I can't wait-tee to have you here
I wub you snookie pie
You're legendary
You're not'a hoe'dol daddle diddle who
You're just'a legendary wait tee
I just can't wait tee
Yodel odel I won't hit toll you
Just legendary
Wedge-in-hairy wady