We're back, out of control
We're back, it's time to make this clear
Put up your crosses you believers
Cause we can smell your fear
I wonder about some of you
What's inside your head
Certainly no brain, a pile of shit or nothing yet
You call yourself subcultural
But then you act again
Like people inside society
From that you claim to be
Left it behind my friend
We're back, out of control
We're back, it's time to make this clear
Put up your crosses you believers
Cause we can smell your fear
You're acting like
You're so free minded
But that in fact ain't true
The person you pretend to be is blabeblibobloo
Judging other people
Cause they are not like you
Do you really think you're better
You faceless meat bag you
We're back, out of control
We're back, it's time to make this clear
Put up your crosses you believers
Cause we can smell your fear
That is not subcultural
You've got no attitude
Society sure don't want you back
And we don't like you too
We're shitting on your role play scene
We'll never change a thing
So f*ck off, take your legs and run
Or better; start living
We're back, out of control
We're back, it's time to make this clear
Put up your crosses you believers
Cause we can smell your fear