Mi amigo, the monster ego
Wherever we go, clamors for attention
In nomenclature, The Carnal Nature
Likes to inflate your every thought and feeling
Self, selfish, selfishness
I'm so sick of
Self, selfish, selfishness
Enemy of hope and health
Always knocking someone else
Who else would you serve?
You're not well acquainted with anyone else
Why shouldn't revolve around you?
Are others even real?
Perhaps they're just a figment of your imagination
You have a powerful mind, after all
(Infinitely powerful... oh yeah, you're powerful)
As the saying goes, It's all about you
You deserve more
You deserve to die!
Fear and loathing
Greed and pride
Never fully satisfied
Self, selfish, selfishness
I'm so sick of
Self, selfish, selfishness