People say...
People say a lot of things
That's an addiction of words
That's an addiction to be heard
See, I've said it all from
I'm 5'10" inches tall
To yeah, I brawled, shot, then crawled out of the thunder
When the truth is, it ain't ever been that deep
And for a lifetime, my soul was weak
See I've cried, and tried, and lied to God saying... I won't do it
When all the while just wishing that he'd whole heartedly just get me through it
See I've had a dream
Cashed in on cream
And hi, ya let go of my Eggo Waffles, feeling quite hostile
But still knowing that he will provide
And so I still speak his gospel
Please forgive me
He will, see you just wait and see
We've all been A.D.D.I.C.T.E.D
Sincerely, Derek McKeith