If you're wondering why I am staring so hard
And clutching at the record shelves
Your face reminds me of my broken heart
And the girl who put me back in my shell
Many years ago I fell in love pretty hard
With a woman who drove me insane
First with desire and then just out of my mind
When she called and end to our game
That's all I needed
That's all I needed
Reminders of bad days
When I lost it completely
That's all I needed
That's all I needed
You're the double in the vinyl store
Something like a film I saw
Now I'm past the shock and I'm curious
Are you related or something like that
You're completely the same even down to your shoes
And the way your hair falls on your back
The way you looked like her made me reel in the aisle
I found my thoughts beginning to stray
And to my surprise I find feelings inside
That I thought had been banished away
That's all I needed
That's all I needed
A comforting stranger
Rendezvous needed
That's all I needed
That's all I needed
You're the double in the vinyl store
Something like a film I saw
I look at you with new eyes and smile
There's a smile on your face too
I haven't said a word, but you must have heard
The thoughts I've directing at you
You look over and smile
And I start to shake
My nerves are sticking out of my skin
With a glance at the shelves
You ask if I need any help
And I go back to..