I call him The Name
Cos his I can't speak
Dare not maybe
Not while I'm this weak
You chose him over me
I'm laughing still
Nervous laughs it's true
But they'll do until
You realise that I had no problem with letting you go
But here's the deeper truth, wrapped up in bow
It'll all be over by Christmas
You'll resent his presence every day
Turned your back on what the best was
Kept the wrapper threw the gift away
So for your Name's sake
I'll keep my distance, just as you asked
Pretend we were just hours instead of the months that passed
I had you, you had me, admit it, we had it all
But now you've just been had, and by your own hand, you fool
It'll all be over by Christmas
You'll resent his presence every day
Turned your back on what the best was
Kept the wrapper threw the gift away
So for your Name's sake
It'll all be over by Christmas
You'll resent his presence every day
Turned your back on what the best was
Kept the wrapper threw the gift away
So for your Name's sake
It'll all be over by Christmas
You'll resent his presence every day
Turned your back on what the best was
Kept the wrapper threw the gift away
So for your Name's sake
It'll all be over by Christmas
You'll resent his presence every day
Turned your back on what the best was
Kept the wrapper threw the gift away
So for your Name's sake