I shut myself in my agony I walk about my body
I look in to the brain there isee a door a rusty look
I'm in vain looking for the key files of used-up paper
Cluster of words thougt of black genius
Merciless foundings nailing my strength on someone
Cross someone else's hands rearing up over my body
I don't know what is it they want
I feel sorry for them don't understand them don't they know
I don't feel pain i wish I could help them for their
Blindness positive lying chanses to negative
Am I an idol I know someday I'll raise add go my way
And they will still be rearings up their hands
I don't care about them they mean to me
A realization of my being as being
My idea should be protected but they don't understand
It I accept their foolish vision I'll become their idol
And somy ideas will be hypertemporal and one day
They'll be perhads even understood
Now: I'll be an idol I'm idol !!