Warming up my heart
With your smoke from nicotine
She's love lean
In a few years time
We will separate
Because your lung goes away
By the way
I don't wanna run away
Hoh baby, I go stay
I go stay, everyday
Hoh baby, maybe if you were more careful
That was dareful
This so cool
Now we would be together
Now my life's like a nether
Nowadays among the smoke
I live one day after cloudy
Because what was normal for her
My mind's broke
This travel was rowdy
Left your lips dry
She stay in high
You drunk in the back side
She's stay in my mind
I stay behind
I remain blind
I found
I found my love
My love is gone
I don't say begone
I stay in my mind
Feeling the wind
I'll be by your side, ya
But I don't know, how I'll continue
I can't think stay without you
Living in the cloudy
Without my city girl
You stay in the high?
Now you fly, Now you fly
Now you fly, Now you fly
I wanted
Now you fly
Now you fly
Warming up my heart with your smoke from nicotine
She's love lean
She's very love lean
Stay in high
Look my eye
Waiting the rain
Waiting the train
She give me pain
I love the flame
I hate the blame
I love your body
I hate my brain
I love your f*ckin' body
Outside it's raining
My bitch don't like a rings
But her like Stranger Things
I use her Netflix account
I don't have money amount
She prefers gold vape, tik din
The game's begin
With ice, ice
She doesn't really like me
I don't listen the advice, vice
I don't agree
Now she f*ck me
The Pink Car does skr, skr
I'll be by your side, ya
But I don't know, how I'll continue
I can't think stay without you
Living in the cloudy
Without my city girl
You stay in the high?
Now you fly, Now you fly
Now you fly, Now you fly
I wanted
Now you fly
Now you fly
I wanted like a Marty McFly
For back to the past
And stay with you, f*ck in the room
Now my mind like a blast
I got a new cigarette
One more pack for the lung
I don't wanna die young
This girl is like a Maria-Smoke Train
The smoke help he hide your pain
She's the f*ckin' chimney
This girl is like a chimney
This girl is like a chimney, bitch
I'll be by your side, ya
But I don't know, how I'll continue
I can't think stay without you
Living in the cloudy
Without my city girl
You stay in the high?
Now you fly, Now you fly
Now you fly, Now you fly
I wanted
Now you fly
Now you fly
Chimney, Chimney, this girl's like a chimney
Ele vai se abrir
Eu tô aqui, Pode vir
Cheguei no flow, Mandando speedflow
Nossa esqueci minha letra velho
Não possível isso cara
Chego, bolado, exaltado, pesado, montando o cenário
Cantando sob o vento, garantindo o sustento
Permanecendo em silêncio, mas só por um tempo
Contando os minutos, que as sílabas e os agudos
Dirão à você, para não ter medo de ser, o que falam de você
E poder falar, levante do sofá e vá mergulhar
Junto com o destino travesso, caminho traiçoeiro
Não tô aqui para julgar, apenas para lhe dizer:
Descubra, sorria
Seja, siga, leia
Leia, cuida, comente
Escreve, observe, controle-se
Acalme-se, pule, nade
Pare, pare, pare, pare
Não cale, não se cale
Aguarde, pois o destino cabe, no coração de quem age
Mas não haja errado, pois senão será derrotado
Pelo seu próprio caminho, no destino e no improviso
A gente vai rimando e surfando, no coração de quem diz
Foster, foster, no Mundo Foster
E não destrói o caminho de quem percorre
Ao lado do atalho, guiado por sentimentos
Buscando aquele momento de um ego temporário
Imaginário de alguém ao seu lado
Isolado, velado, selado, mas acompanhado pelas memórias do passado
Sobre um desejo, reconhecimento, soprado de alguém ao seu lado
Encaminhado para nunca ter medo de ser o que falam de você
Sobre você, tu tem que ver o que é melhor para você
Encaminho para você, a rima que fiz pra te convencer
Que estou aqui com você, que você vai perceber
Que city girl foi embora, mas não deixou você
Warming up my heart
With your smoke from nicotine
She's love lean
Outside It's raining
I'll be by your side, ya
But I don't know, how I'll continue
I can't think stay without you
Living in the cloudy
Without my city girl
You stay in the high?
Now you fly, Now you fly
Now you fly, Now you fly
I wanted
Now you fly
Now you fly