Houston we have a problem
Houston we have a problem
East has made a statement
Nato has gone too far
Russians are about to start
Houston we have a problem
Six thousand nuclear warheads
At a button to press
No one wins
It'll be fast
Last warning was made
What does it take
There's nowhere to run
Third world war has begun
Houston we have a problem
Israel was blown up
Thousands die, women are ravished
An idiot supports the bandits
Houston we have a problem
The British has sent warships
Tension escalates in South America
Venezuela is about to invade
Houston we have a problem
Six thousand nuclear warheads
At a button to press
No one wins
It'll be so fast
Last warning was made
What does it take
There's nowhere to run
World war three has begun
Houston we have a problem
No one wins
It'll be fast
Houston we have a problem
Ninety thousand troops are called
The biggest drills since cold war
Save your souls it's made
So let us start to pray
Last warning was made
What does it take
There's nowhere to run
Last warning
World war three has begun
World war